The ABC’s of Life With Your Newborn – Diapers

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When it comes to diapering your new baby, you have a few options. The two most common options are disposable and cloth diapers. It’s a matter of personal preference which diaper is best. The answer will also depend on one’s views on each option’s ecological impact.

Disposable diapers are the most well-known option.

Yet even here, the options are endless. From the traditional disposable diaper that wicks away moisture to the eco-friendly diaper, options abound. Newborn-sized diapers often have a U-shaped cutout. This cutout allows the diaper to clear the umbilical stump in the days after birth. Some parents may find it necessary to fold the front of the diaper down further so it doesn’t rub.

When buying disposable diapers in preparation for your baby’s birth, choose fewer packages of newborn diapers. Babies often grow fast; the newborn stage is the size they tend to outgrow the fastest. Having a good supply of size 1 on hand will often last you the longest when making plans for diapering your baby.


Cloth diapers are another popular choice.

From prefolds and covers, all-in-ones, to pocket diapers to name a few, the options for cloth diapers are almost countless. For those interested in delivery service for prefolds to use with your own covers, Sun Sprout in Tucson is a great option. To learn more about the five main types of cloth diapers, visit the link below:
Five Major Styles of Cloth Diapers

Unlike disposable diapers, many families choose cloth diaper options the grow with their babies. For example, the all-in-one diaper can be used from 8 pounds through potty training. This style of cloth diaper has many different snap options that allow you to custom-fit the diaper to your baby’s bottom.

What about the water?

One concern some families express when cloth diapering in our southern Arizona desert environment is the consumption of water used in caring for cloth diapers. From soaking to prewashing, washing, rinsing and double rinsing the use of water in our desert climate may be concerning for some. Using a diaper service can actually help save water as the machines used in commercial washers are highly efficient.

Explore your finances, and your feelings about the environment and see what the best option is for your family. There is no one size fits all option when it comes to diapering your baby!


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