Choosing a Prenatal Care Provider

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The first choice you make when you find out you are pregnant is choosing your prenatal care provider.

There are a few factors to consider to help you find the best prenatal care provider for you and your family.

A great start is to decide where you’d like to deliver. Then explore the types of providers available to you based on that location.

In Tucson, a hospital, birth center, or homebirth are options for where to give birth to your baby.

  • Hospitals are staffed with obstetricians (OBs), labor and delivery nurses, anesthesiologists, and a full baby care team, including NICU personnel. Some hospitals, like Tucson Medical Center (TMC), may have a birth center attached to their labor and delivery unit. It is staffed by certified nurse midwives (CNMs), student midwives, and labor and delivery nurses. This allows a wonderful alternative for low-risk patients. They have the care and comfort of a birth center with medical options nearby if needed or desired.
  • Free-standing birth centers are popular for those seeking low or no-intervention, unmedicated vaginal deliveries. Birth centers are staffed by certified nurse midwives (CNMs), midwife assistants or student midwives, and sometimes doulas.
  • Since the COVID pandemic hit, we have seen a rise in the option for a home birth. Obviously, many people like this option for the comfort and familiarity aspects. Home births are attended by midwives, midwife assistants or student midwives, and sometimes doulas.
No matter where you choose to deliver, you must feel comfortable with your team and the options they can provide you.

We always recommend taking a childbirth education class before mapping out your birth plan. This is a great way to understand what is available to you and gives you and your partner a chance to decide what feels best. Your provider should be on board with the choices you are looking to make during your birth. If they feel differently, asking them why they recommend an alternative is acceptable.

Request that they discuss your options and how those changes may affect your other birth preferences.

It is important to understand that your provider will not be in your labor room for the entirety of your labor. However, they will keep an eye on how your labor is progressing, periodically check in with you, and will be there to deliver your baby and your placenta. In fact, this is a big reason clients choose to round out their support team with a labor doula. You are your doula’s sole focus during your labor when you hire a doula. They will stay at your side the entire time.

Regardless of where you give birth, having a doula by your side will ensure you have full-circle support during pregnancy, labor, and birth.

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