Treat Yourself Like the Royals

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By now you’ve likely heard that the Duchess of Sussex, Megan Markle has hired a labor doula for her upcoming birth.

As doulas, we treat each family we serve like royalty.

You see, that’s part of what we do, with every family, every time. You don’t have to be a royal to receive the compassionate, experienced and professional care of a doula.

We like to think of ourselves as your ladies in waiting.

Outside of your inner circle of family and friends, we are your most trusted companion through pregnancy, birth, and parenting.

As your doula, we are most like the “Woman of the Bedchamber.” This is one of the most esteemed positions of a lady in waiting.

As your woman of the bedchamber, you look to us for guidance in decisionmaking. Providing information and support.

As a woman of the bedchamber, we are trusted with your care in one of your most intimate moments. Giving birth and recovering from the birth of your baby.

Of course, we know all the best things to pack for your big day. Helping you explore what you might need most is something we excel at. Our experience is rooted in knowing how the labor and birth process unfolds and we are there by your side, every step of the way. We help you remember your plan and explore your options in real time. Don’t forget our trusted bag of tricks to help you make your labor and birth as comfortable as possible. Think Mary Poppins, without the bag!

We are there for you when things get messy.

We help with intimate tasks that relate to your self-care and well being. Giving birth and the recovery that follows can be a messy process. Whether it’s a cool cloth to your forehead during labor or helping you take your first shower after birth, we are there to tend gently and tenderly to your body and mind.

We are your person. The person you can trust most when you are at your most physically and emotionally vulnerable.

Delivering peace of mind, unconditional support, and hands-on care to make the experience of birth and parenting easier and more comfortable. That’s what we do best.

Treat yourself to a little royalty. You deserve it.

Reach out today to learn how we can support you.

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