“When I met Mona, I was preparing to give birth to my first baby.
I had my birth plan written out and I knew exactly how I wanted my baby’s birth to go. Mona was so encouraging and supportive, but she was smart to remind me that everything doesn’t always go according to plan and to think about coping strategies if they don’t.
My baby’s birth did not go according to plan! I wanted a natural birth with minimal medical interventions and I ended up with a c-section and what felt like every medical intervention in the book!
At every turn, Mona was there, keeping me calm, reminding me of the work we were doing, of the beautiful baby we were trying to bring into the world.
When I was told that the baby was not coming out and we needed a c-section, I cried and cried. Mona held my hand and assured me that we were making sure the baby was coming into the world safe and healthy. When my baby was finally born, we were almost immediately separated while they closed my incision and performed newborn procedures on him.
Mona helped my husband be a surrogate mommy until I was able to join them; she put our new baby boy skin to skin on my husband’s chest.
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