In-Person and Virtual Childbirth Education Classes in Tucson

childbirth classes tucson

Taking our in-person or virtual childbirth education classes enables you to prepare for your upcoming childbirth experience. An experience that will likely be very different than you anticipated.

But the good news is, we can help ease your fears, provide reassurance, instill confidence, and help you feel more empowered through information and virtual face-to-face support.

Connecting with Tucson Doulas means you have certified birth professionals in your virtual corner. Experts who can answer your questions, provide valuable resources, prepare you with high-quality education that is tailored to the needs of you and your family. In addition to offering a way to feel connected when you may just need some extra emotional support.

We are offering the following 5 childbirth education class options along with custom classes through our in-person or live virtual classroom format.

Early Pregnancy Class

 Congratulations, your baby bump is official.  You’ve probably also shared the exciting news with friends and family!

Your 2nd and 3rd trimester can bring up a lot of important questions about your growing body, and your baby’s growing body, too!

   In this class, we’ll talk about things that you may experience such as:

  • Changes in your skin, weight, energy levels, cravings, emotions, and sleep and how to help alleviate some of the challenges that can arise from these shifts.

 In this class, you will also learn about:

  • Second-trimester prenatal testing – what specific tests are recommended, as well as why your provider will suggest them, and how they’re performed

  • Dietary requirements to help ensure you are consuming the recommended nutrients for prenatal nutrition and fetal development

  • Weight gain and physiological changes to the uterus, spine, ligaments, and organs and how to help remedy some of the common aches and pains that can come with pregnancy.

Birth Partner Support

Calling all Birth Partners – spouses, dads, partners, and significant others!   You have an amazing role in helping to welcome your new baby into the world.  With that responsibility now being firmly on your shoulders, it is understandable that you are feeling nervous. You may even some fear or anxiety.

There is no doubt this is an exciting time with lots of emotions.  We want to acknowledge everything you may be feeling, and to reassure you that through this class we can help you to feel educated, and fully prepared for your big day!

In this class we will help facilitate an open dialogue about:

  • Each partner’s feelings and emotions surrounding labor and delivery

  • Each partner’s expectations, hopes, and potential fears/concerns

  • Your birthing location and provider protocols

  • Your Patient Bill of Rights and how to advocate for yourselves

  • Creating a birth plan/birth preferences outline

  • How your birth doula can be an interactive virtually present part of your birth team

  • How to utilize comfort measures, labor positions and calming techniques

  • The Golden Hour after birth and options for bonding, feeing, and routine procedures after delivery

Anatomy of Labor & Birth 

Your baby is fully developed and ready to enter the world!   Nine months may have seemed to take forever, but now you’re ready to finally hold your new baby.

But first, let’s dive into their world and talk about things from their perspective – from the inside: out:

  • The anatomy and physiology of the uterus and the placenta

  • The pelvis, the baby’s position, and the dynamics of uterine contractions that move the baby towards the birth canal

  • The cervix and its role in changing and dilating

  • Stages of labor

  • Crowing, pushing, and positions for delivering your baby

  • Cutting the cord and delayed cord clamping

Your baby is here!  In this class, we’ll also talk about:

  • Delivering your placenta

  • Options for keeping, storing, or encapsulating your placenta

  • Donating or banking cord blood

  • Post-birth procedures (uterine check, stitches, postpartum bleeding)

Your Birth Toolbox

Are you ready to feel prepared for your birthing journey? Do you want to be sure you have all the doula tools, tips and tricks ready for you to draw from?  You’ve come to the right place!

In this class we’ll focus on:

  • Ways to help you prepare for labor and delivery in the weeks/days leading up to your baby’s birth

  • When you think you may be in labor – next steps

  • What to expect in triage and during admission to your birthing location

  • Options for pain relief (medical and non-medical)

  • Comfort measures, tools, and techniques to help transition you through the three stages of labor

  • Labor and birthing positions (using tools like the birth ball, squat bar, birthing tub, etc)

  • Partner/doula support

  • Potential interventions and the how/when/why they may be suggested

The GPS of Birth

When we go anywhere new in today’s world, we use GPS to navigate the journey.  It helps us know how to plan ahead, by learning what to expect and how to handle any bumps in the road, The same holds true for your birth journey!   We’ll help you feel confident with each step you take towards the arrival of your new baby!

In this class we’ll focus on:

  • The days leading up to labor, both emotionally and physically

  • How to cope with waiting and conserving your energy

  • The possibility of induction and options for inducing or augmenting labor

  • How to know when you’re in early labor

  • What to have in your birth bag

  • How to time contractions using an app for tracking your progress

  • When to contact your provider and determining when to leave for your birth location

  • What to expect in triage when you arrive at your birth location

  • Ways to get settled into your delivery room once you’re admitted

  • Comfort measures, tools, and techniques to help transition you through the three stages of labor
  • Labor and birthing positions (using tools like the birth ball, squat bar, birthing tub, etc)

Click the button below to request more information.

Learn More: Virtual Childbirth Education