World Breastfeeding Week 2020

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Welcome to World Breastfeeding Week!

At Tucson Doulas we understand that for many who desire to breastfeed the breastfeeding journey can be full of speed bumps and roadblocks. It is important to us that our clients be able to define what success means to them.


For some this may mean exclusive breastfeeding, others may exclusively pump and feed their baby expressed milk from a bottle. Others will choose an option that falls somewhere in between.
The only right choice is the one that you feel is best for you and your baby. Your Tucson Doula will support you in your breastfeeding goals as you define them.
Non-judgmental, compassionate support is our goal. With a wealth of local resources our Labor Douas, Postpartum Doulas and Certified Breastfeeding Counselors can help you navigate the speed bumps and call on our extensive network of resources should you encounter a roadblock that needs the assistance of an expert navigator.


At Tucson Doulas our goal is to deliver the support you need to help you succeed!


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